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Language Scholar Journal Launch: LCS Scholarship Showcase



14.00 Introduction by the Editors, Bettina Hermoso-Gómez, Antonio Martínez-Arboleda, Sofia Martinho and Carolin Schneider

14.15 Dr Raphael Hallett: Supporting Teaching Scholarship at LITE (Leeds Institute for Teaching Excellence)

14.30 Bee Bond: Being Scholarly: identity shifts through an investigation into language and discipline knowledge

15.00 Prof Melinda Whong and Dr Alex Ding: What is a scholarly output?

15.20 Prof Cecile De Cat:  Language@Leeds

 Coffee Break & Networking

PechaKucha LCS Scholarship Showcase

16.00   Dr Terry Bradford: “Generating and using scripted role-plays in the teaching of interpreting/French language”

16.05 Dr Ruth Payne: “One size does not fit all: using Universal Design in assessment”

16.10 Alex Holloway: “Grand (re)designs: rebuilding a General English Programme with authentic materials.

16.15  Kazuki Morimoto: "Peer learning with Japanese exchange students for pre-study abroad students"

16.20 Caroline Campbell: “Using Assessment to showcase Employability”

16.25 Dr El Mustapha Lahlali: “The Partnership Agreement and development of teaching resources”

16.30 Kashmir Kaur: “Enhancing international students’ engagement through audio formative feedback and student collaboration”

16.35 Esther Harper: “What about other languages? Creative schools’ outreach to showcase ab initio language”

16.40 Alison Leslie: “Global competencies in student education: where, when and how”

16.45 Laura Foster and Deak Kirkham: “Opportunities, challenges, outcomes: evaluating the effectiveness of a diverse suite of pre-sessional courses”

16.50 Jenna Bodin-Galvez: “The role of language in EAP”

16.55   Closing remarks

Poster Presentations

Sara Montgomery: “EAP in the context of visual arts design”

Clare Poulson: “Learning to learn: Developing a framework to facilitate international undergraduate students’ transition into HE”

Carmem Mackle: “It is not just another brick in the wall.  Using the digital tool Padlet in order to enhance participatory learning in writing classes


For further information please contact:

Sofia Martinho ( or Bettina Hermoso-Gomez (