Explore the integration of peer assessment in traditional and online instruction
- Date
- Wednesday 15 November 2017
The Coach House (School of Education, University of Leeds), 3-4pm
Dr. Huahui ZHAO (University of Leeds)Peer assessment has been increasingly discussed as an alternative assessment mode to teacher assessment due to the growing number of students in Higher Education, the shortage of staff assessment time, and most importantly the distinct roles of peer assessment in internalizing subject knowledge, developing learners’ higher order thinking, and learner autonomy, to name but a few. This presentation draws upon my completed and ongoing projects on peer assessment for writing in traditional face-to-face and computer-mediated instruction and explores the affordance of peer assessment for writing from multiple perspectives. In particular, this presentation will discuss the knowledge gaps that exist in the current research agenda on peer assessment in terms of the following four aspects:
• relative effectiveness of peer to teacher assessment for long-term language/subject knowledge development
• the dynamics of peer assessment processes in relation to the affordance of peer assessment
• teachers’ and learners’ perceptions of peer assessment regarding factors that impact peer assessment, and
• the facilitative role of teachers that could/should play in peer assessment.
Through discussing the aforementioned aspects of peer assessment, it is hoped that a relatively full picture of peer assessment could be depicted and served as the basis of reflecting on whether and how peer assessment could be effectively integrated into instruction. All welcome